

Pests can be unwelcome visitors, causing disruptions to your daily life and potentially posing health and property risks. Understanding the signs of infestations and the specific challenges each pest presents is the first step toward effective pest control.

At Terminex, we specialise in identifying, treating, and preventing a wide range of pests, ensuring your home or business remains a safe and comfortable environment. Whether you're dealing with common household nuisances, persistent invaders, or unique challenges, our experienced technicians have the knowledge and tools to address any pest-related issue.

If you suspect any pest presence in your home or building, call us 0800 975 2736 or email us at

Pest Risks & Treatments

Explore the information below to gain insights into the characteristics, risks, and treatment methods for some of the common pests we deal with such as clothes moths, bedbugs, rodents, and more.

Understanding how to spot the early signs of pest infestations is crucial for prompt and effective pest control. If you suspect any pest presence in your home or building, contact us for personalised solutions tailored to your unique needs and a pest-free living or working environment.

Cloths Moths

Clothes Moths

How to spot:
Look for small, silvery-gray moths (about 1/2 inch long) flying around, especially in dark, undisturbed areas. Check for larvae and silk webbing on clothing or stored fabrics.

Clothes moths feed on natural fibers like wool and silk, causing damage to clothing, carpets, and upholstery.

We use professional fumigation techniques, targeted insecticide applications, and provide advice on preventive measures such as proper storage and cleaning.


How to spot:
Inspect bedding, mattress seams, and furniture for reddish-brown bugs, especially after waking up with itchy bites. Look for small bloodstains on sheets.

Bedbug bites can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, and sleep disturbances.

We use heat treatments, insecticides, and thorough inspections of furniture and surrounding areas. Education on preventive measures is also part of the service.


How to spot:
Though microscopic, symptoms include red, itchy rashes and skin irritation. Frequent sneezing or respiratory issues may indicate dust mite presence.

Mite infestations can lead to allergies, respiratory issues, and skin problems.

Steam cleaning and insecticide, and advise on maintaining proper hygiene and regular cleaning routines.
Carpet Beetles

Carpet Beetles

How to spot:
Look for small, oval-shaped beetles and larvae in carpets, upholstered furniture, and stored clothing. Damage to natural fibers indicates their presence.

Damage to carpets, clothing, and upholstery as larvae feed on natural fibers.

Thorough cleaning, targeted insecticide application, and identifying and removing infested items. Regular vacuuming and cleaning routines are essential for prevention.


How to spot:
Observe their distinctive black and yellow coloring and look for nests in eaves, attics, or corners of buildings.

Painful stings, allergic reactions, and nest-related property damage.

Removal of the wasp nests, apply insecticides as needed, and provide advice on preventive measures. Identifying and sealing entry points is crucial.


How to spot:
Recognise large birds roosting on ledges, roofs, or balconies. Accumulation of bird droppings is a clear sign.

Property damage due to droppings, health risks associated with bird droppings.

Netting, spikes, and safe removal of nests. Strategies focus on preventing roosting and nesting.


How to spot:
Often found in kitchens, bathrooms, and damp areas. Look out for droppings, egg cases, or a musty odor.

Contamination of food, spread of diseases.

Baiting techniques, targeted insecticides, and identify and seal entry points. Regular inspections and sanitation are key components of effective cockroach control.


How to spot:
Evidence includes droppings, gnaw marks on food packaging, and signs of nests in secluded areas.

Disease transmission, property damage, and contamination.

Trapping, baiting, and exclusion measures. Identifying and sealing entry points, along with ongoing monitoring, are critical for effective rodent control.
Stored Product Insects

Stored Product Insects

How to spot:
Look for small beetles or moths in stored food products, indicating contamination. Check for webbing and larvae.

Contamination and damage to stored goods.

Remove infested items, and apply targeted insecticides. Advising on proper storage and regular monitoring helps prevent future infestations.
Indian Meal Moths

Indian Meal Moth

How to spot:
Recognise moths with reddish-brown wings around stored food items. Larvae leave silky webs and casings.

Contamination of stored food products.

Remove infested items, conduct thorough cleaning, and apply insecticides as needed. Implementing proper storage practices and maintaining cleanliness is crucial..
Confused Flour and Biscuit Beetles

Confused Flour & Biscuit Beetles

How to spot:
Look for small, reddish-brown beetles in stored food products, especially flour and grains.

Contamination of flour and grains.

Remove infested items, and apply insecticides. Advise clients on proper storage practices and maintaining a clean environment.


How to spot:
Listen for scratching or chewing sounds in attics or walls. Squirrels may also be visible running along power lines or trees.

Property damage, electrical wire damage.

Trapping, exclusion measures, and removal of access points to address squirrel infestations. Ongoing monitoring and preventive measures are recommended.

Suspect you have a pest problem?

Call us on 0800 975 2736 or email us at

Why choose Terminex?

We've been providing reliable, expert pest control services for nearly three decades now.

  • Protecting Properties Since 1994
  • Licensed & Certified Technicians
  • FREE Quotations
  • Precise Appointment Dates & Times
  • Treatment & Prevention
  • Effective, Responsible Pest Management
Pest Controller